Cautions to take and diet to follow when you are COVID-19 Positive
The newest wave of coronavirus pandemic has become a huge threat in our lives. And the virus is even more contagious. So, unfortunately, if you or anyone else in your family got sick, here are the precautions you need to take.
Quarantine yourself from others -
As soon as you realize that you have a positive quickie, quarantine yourself, avoid touching anything, not even the pets, and stay in your own room.
Avoid cuddling, touching the pets - Stay away from the pets, because they can spread the infection.
Don’t share anything - It is strictly advised not to share any of your personal items such as glasses, utensils, towels, bed sheets, spoons, cups etc. Also, if possible, then use disposable items and discard them properly.
Don’t leave home unless it’s a medical emergency - Keep track of how you feel and if you notice anything unusual or unwanted, then take action right away. Call your doctor ASAP and get emergency medical care.
Proper hand washing - Wash your hands thoroughly to prevent infections and dirt. Don't touch your eyes, mouth and nose. Use liquid soap to wash your hands; however, if not available, use hand sanitizer. You should generally cover your mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze and then throw the tissue into a container.
Clean surfaces - Virus spreads easily. It can live as long as several weeks on common environmental surfaces or inanimate objects. Make sure to have someone clean all these areas with proper precautions. Or if possible, clean your washroom by yourself.
Wear your mask properly - If you don't wear a mask, you're exposing your family to the disease. In order to prevent spreading infection to other family members, make sure you wear your mask properly. When you are alone in your room, you can take off the mask, but you wear a double mask whenever you are exposing yourself to anyone.
Stay calm - Feeling anxious and scary is normal, but anxiety can't be avoided. If you know what to expect, it can help you to remain calm. It may seem unbearable to be cooped up inside, but you should remember that it is helping save many lives.
Follow proper instructions - Quarantine measures and other public health policies play a big role in preventing and slowing the spread of contagious diseases. Cooperate with the authorities to help prevent the spread of contagious diseases.
The second wave of coronavirus has resulted in different symptoms than previously reported, making the disease seem more serious. Check out if you are having shortness of breath or skin inflammation, severe skin allergies.
Diet to follow when you are COVID-19 positive –
A positive covid-19 result means that your immunity is compromised, so you need to make sure that you eat healthy food and take proper medications or supplements to support your immune system.Given below are the guidelines for COVID-19 positive people –
Eat fresh and self-cooked meals - By cooking at home, you'll use everything in proper proportion, especially when using culinary herbs. Take advantage of online information and prepare healthy recipes at home.
Follow safe food handling techniques - According to the Food Standards Agency, the only food that is prepared safely can be described as healthy.- Wash your vegetables and fruits properly.
- When it comes to food preparation, the safest method is to heat food to a sufficiently high temperature for an appropriate length of time.
- Use clean water and natural ingredients.
Limit the intake of sugar and salt - If you rely more on canned, frozen or processed foods that can be very salty. Then you need to stop eating frozen food because it contains high levels of salt.
- Do not eat pickles
- Do not drink juices; consume candies, cookies as they are high in sugar.
Limit the intake of fat - If you want to reduce your intake of fat, switch to cooking methods that require less or no fat, such as steaming. Cook without eating fat, and if you have to use it, using a small amount of unsaturated oil like olive is good. Avoid foods that have excessive amounts of saturated fats, such as meat and poultry.
Add foods that are high in fiber - If you want to get fibre, make sure you have vegetables, fruit, pulses and wholegrain foods in all meals.
Maintain proper hydration - It’s very important to stay hydrated because you may feel dehydration due to the infection. Consume plenty of water, also homemade juices and avoid caffeine. If you're finding yourself feeling drowsy or unwell after consuming caffeine, consider cutting back.
Avoid consuming alcohol - It is important to avoid consuming any type of alcoholic products as a preventive or treatment measure against COVID-19.
When in self-quarantine or long home stays, you may want to have a food list for reference. Nutrition is an essential part of dealing with a pandemic. We recommend that you secure proper nutrition by stocking up on foods. WHO recommends that people consume at least 400 g of fruits and vegetables per day for optimal health. Citrus fruits like oranges. Root vegetables, such as carrots and turnips, are much more durable than other vegetables. They can be kept in a cool dark place for months, making them a good option to have on hand.
A word from Good life nutrition -
Do not be scared. This crisis shall pass even if we don’t want it to. Stay home and stay safe. Eat a lot of healthy food.Let us help you discover the best foods and supplements for your health issues. We are here to help you every step of the way. For any query regarding food supplements feel free to get in touch with us.