All about Goodlifenutrition Plant Protein Superfood
All about Goodlifenutrition Plant Protein Superfood
Proteins are essential macronutrients that make up your hair, skin, nails, help you lose and maintain weight, keep your muscles strong, and help regulate your metabolism.
Unfortunately,not all vegetables and foods can provide enough protein that your body needs & the more active your life is, the more mindful you must be about eating enough protein.
Assuming a body weight of 70kg, you need to eat between 7-1.5 gm of protein per day. If your goal is to build muscle or lose fat, you should eat 1 gm of protein per kilo of body.
Now you can meet your daily protein needs with delicious plant-based proteins by good life nutrition.
Why plant-based protein powder?
India is host of largest vegetarian population entire world and now even scientist have come up benefits of going vegan, which led popularity of vegan diets so in simple words plant-based proteins are need of the hour. People are consuming these healthier alternatives in greater numbers every day.
Speaking of; they’re delicious, sustainable, and often healthier than your traditional animal-based proteins.
Not to mention, they’re more bioavailable and easier to digest.
And if you’re choosing certified brands like Goodlife Nutrition then you can be assured of the quality and effectiveness.
How is Goodlifenutrition plant protein the best option?
With 2.5 grams of protein, 5.1g BCAA, 4.0 glutamine, pea protein isolate & brown rice blend, and natural chocolate flavor, Goodlifenutrition’s plant protein superfood is soy-free, dairy-free, lactose-free, gluten-free, and contains no added preservatives.
Plant proteins are derived from natural sources and feature a full amino acid profile.
Fibre-rich plant protein sources also provide the benefits of other vitamins and minerals to your body.
They can be used by vegetarians, vegans, those with lactose intolerance, and even by those with food allergies.
What goodlifenutrition’s Plant-based Protein contains-
Our plant-based protein is a powerhouse of Digestive Enzymes, Vitamin B12, Recovery Antioxidants.
Digestive enzymes- This blend of enzymes works together to make the body absorb proteins and other nutrients better, thereby increasing muscle growth.
Vitamin B12 - B12 is one of the vitamins in charge of keeping levels of this protein at normal levels.
Recovery Antioxidants- It is well-known that a diet rich in antioxidants helps to speed recovery and reduce muscle pain after exercise.
Stevia - Stevia is an all-natural sweetener that provides little to no calories. It may also decrease the risk of cavities and may help reduce caloric intake and blood sugar levels.
Are there any side effects of Goodlifenutrition Plant protein superfood?
However, there are no side effects of plant protein because it is packed with the goddess of Ayurveda.
It is made from premium quality pea protein isolate, brown rice protein, papaya, enzymes, natural cocoa powder, and stevia.
It not only meets the recommended protein dose but also helps to boost the immunity level and energy levels in the body.
These vegan proteins have been carefully created using natural ingredients.
These are especially effective in maintaining the health of your joints and bones, promote excellent digestion, increase the absorption of your multivitamins and nutrients, and help you to gain muscles as well as promote healthy skin.
They contain herbs that have antioxidant properties that fight damage to cells, thus achieving a glowing look.
A word from Goodlife Nutrition-
Since you know why plant protein is the best option for you, you can easily opt for Goodlife Nutrition’s plant protein.
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